Category Archives: families


helen and adam, along with their furry friends george and bear came to visit us and do a holiday shoot in piedmont park. the leaves had already fallen from the trees, but it was still a nice time shooting a cute family. the dog sweaters were a personal highlight 🙂



fall family shoot in piedmont park

i was excited to get to shoot close to home for a family portrait session for Monica. it was a gorgeous fall day….a little sunny during the only time that worked out for them, but the fall colors were just gorgeous along with the bright blue sky.

fall folse family shoot

we only had a short window to get the pictures in, but had a good trip over to piedmont park for a quick photo shoot with brian and stephanie and the kids. the colors in piedmont are really just gorgeous in the fall and i loved the light we got for some of our shots.

pierce+weston and other allvines

pierce and weston are the latest additions to the allvine clan….just barely enough to tell them apart.  they were delightfully patient with us as we took some shots of them, their mom blake, and their big brother eli.



deutsch family

tisha and cory brought their little girls isla and lilia down to the park for a photo shoot this past weekend.  lillis had spotted a BEAUTIFUL gingko tree just inside the park where we had intended to get some maternity shots of her, so we started (and pretty much ended) our shoot in that general area.  so nice to have such a beautiful backdrop right outside our front door.  anyway, here are the shots of the deutsch family, including their precious little latest addition, lilia.