Tag Archives: baby

pierce + westin @ 6 months

we checked back in on pierce and westin at 6 months just to get a few quick shots of them. they’re getting SO big already

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pierce+weston and other allvines

pierce and weston are the latest additions to the allvine clan….just barely enough to tell them apart.  they were delightfully patient with us as we took some shots of them, their mom blake, and their big brother eli.

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deutsch family

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tisha and cory brought their little girls isla and lilia down to the park for a photo shoot this past weekend.  lillis had spotted a BEAUTIFUL gingko tree just inside the park where we had intended to get some maternity shots of her, so we started (and pretty much ended) our shoot in that general area.  so nice to have such a beautiful backdrop right outside our front door.  anyway, here are the shots of the deutsch family, including their precious little latest addition, lilia.



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graham and evan

lesley is a friend of mine who i suppose i haven’t seen since the old college days and these are her little boys. she reached out to see if i would do a shoot with them whenever i made it back into tuscaloosa.  it worked out that we were able to coordinate for sunday morning, so we got together for an hour at the park to catch up and to get some photos of her and travis’ two sons graham and evan.  they were very sweet little boys, and graham is clearly a great big brother.


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we finally got a time (or a couple of times, actually) set with the allvines to take some pictures of their precious little blessing, eli.  he was about 3 months old when we took these pics and was already working on smiling handsomely for the camera.


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